Wednesday, August 3, 2011

What worked for me/you works for you/me

Many of reactions I received when I posted my method, was:
"what worked for you, may not work for others"

In essence, it is a pure excuse to continue eating pizza, because if Fatty acids, for example are a value to any human being or omega-3 or any other nutrition, why for one person flax seed is good, and for another, ice cream would do the job? pure nonsense!
what could be is, that we ruined our body so badly that it refuses to intake any good fruits, it will only accept a big juicy burger.

of-course the way it worked for me may not work for you, because take in consideration,
age, length of having psoriasis, eating habits, weight, overall health, & and many more factors.
But DON'T tell me that one human is different from another when it comes to nutrition, we all need the same

vitamins, enzymes etc.

DON'T give any excuses.
DON'T fool yourself that one day a miracle pill will be available.
DON'T keep on with intake of toxins.

what's good for me is good for you. you might need a greater effort or a stronger will power, you might need a longer time-frame to see results, and very possible that you will need an extra dose of excersie.
I'll be Back !

Monday, August 1, 2011

PsoriasisHealer: Thank You Tim Gunn !

PsoriasisHealer: Thank You Tim Gunn !: "Thank you Tim Gunn! thank you for triggering my inner drive to write, again ! I kind-of lost desire to write a few months ago. Recently P..."

Thank You Tim Gunn !

Thank you Tim Gunn! thank you for triggering my inner drive to write, again !
I kind-of lost desire to write a few months ago.

Recently Psoriasis was all over the media, because Kim Kardashian was diagnosed with Psoriasis. all eyes turned to "the" holy fashion guru "Tim Gunn" which was chosen as the spokesperson for a national psoriasis organization.

...How much lower can we go? Tim Gunn is a spokes person for psoriasis???
I'm not necessary sarcastic, the fact that Tim is seen as a God by many naive followers just reminds me how foolish we all are.

One advice I must say, was very wise, I'm including it here on my blog since it is after all advice from a wise man.

Psoriasis Fashion Advice published by nov 2010
Style guru Tim Gunn offers expert advice on dressing and feeling confident with psoriasis.
By Beth W. Orenstein
Medically reviewed by Lindsey Marcellin, MD, MPH

first piece of advice for people with psoriasis is to see a doctor...

matter of fact is that it will be a great sad piece of humor if I'd continued to quote, but its ain't worthy. Thank you , Thank thank & Thank you Tim, for reminding us how stupid we all are.


Thursday, February 10, 2011

How I Cured Psoriasis

Bellow is a short quick list what I ate to cure my psoriasis.
everything on the list and that is not on the list has a reason, I'll be happy to answer questions in a mutual respectful manner.

For Omega 3 / fish oils
Wild Salmon, Sardines, Mackerel, Herring & Tuna. omega 3 capsules, Flax seed oil, virgin Coconut oil, Walnut oil, Sunflower oil, Sesame oil, organic cold pressed virgin Olive oil (virgin cold pressed-is important for any oils)
Farm fish have a high chemical level- avoid them.

Supplement Herbs: (tea or extracts)
Cat's Claw
Burdock root
Red Clover
Dandelion root

High in Antioxidants
Azuki Beans (from “Hokaido”).
Blueberry (alot).
Red Kidney, Pinto Beans.
Red,Granny Smith,Gala apples.(high in Pectin)

Wheat grass juice
Organic Tufo
Bosc Pears
Broccoli & Broccoli Sprouts
Beets(buy them with the leafs)
Spinach, Kale, romaine Lettuce(organic)
Basmati rice
Whole grains
Soy beans based products,organic (not processed)
Nuts: raw, moderately.
Eggs: only Organic

I ate little or no bread, maybe once a week, the purpose is to avoid yeast.
otherwise be careful to eat bread that is wholesome and has no additives.
a good alternative for me was wholesome crackers, flax seed crackers and alike.

Besides what I wrote above, Fruits are highly recommended to avoid because of sugars & acid.

most important to avoid are the night vegetables which include:
potato, tomato, peppers, cucumbers, eggplant, zucchini, squash and alike.
there's other veggies that are good like asparagus,green beans,okra,and alike.
also from the leaf family all the bitter greens are very good.

Important notes:
Water,water,water, - drink plenty of water.
Exercise ! you must be active and do some sort of exercise.
Medical Issues: if you suffer from other medical issues get expert help, my advice is for Psoriasis conditions only.
Overweight: this diet may not work its magic, it will take you more time to see results.
Bowl movement: know your body and follow its reaction. a healthy person should have a smooth and daily bowl movement.
Follow: follow your body reaction to any food and adjust accordingly.
Chew: chew your food well. don't over eat !
Stress: overall stress is not good, in particular for Psoriasis, I'm not an expert so try to get help.
Tea: tea is ok, make it moderate, no more then twice a day(use the above Supplement Herbs)
Organic: whenever possible get Organic
Results: I fully believe that anyone can benefit from this diet, you will need a "will" and "self determination" and depends on your condition, the longer you had psoriasis-the longer you will need to stick with a healthy diet.

Raw, steamed, cooked.
it is extremely important to eat raw as much as possible. however, it doesn't mean you should eat raw fish or beans. anything that is made to be cooked- you must cook. but, if it's nuts, green leafs or fruits and vegetables for example, it is very important to eat them raw. cooking kills the enzymes(and other vitamins) that help the body digest and absorb, if we eat something healthy and the body doesn't absorb it, we miss the target. whenever possible steam instead of cooking.
(beans can be soaked in water over nigh to reduce the cooking time)

Dairy, Chicken & Meat
I recommend not to eat any dairy, chicken or meat.


Friday, February 4, 2011

You should eat,

my diet overall was divided into three categories,

*what you should eat.
*what you can eat.
*what you should not eat.

You should eat, -   High Antioxidants
Azuki Beans ( from “Hokaido” is the best), Blueberry, Red Kidney Beans, Pinto Beans, Cranberry, Artichoke, Blackberry, Prune, Raspberry, Strawberry, Red Apple, Granny Smith apple, Pecan, Cherries.

anything that can be eaten raw, - eat raw

Good Nutrition Misc.
Bosc Pears, Watermelon
Beets, buy them with it’s root – only !(and then cut and cook or whatever) getting a veggie juice from raw beets combined with celery or carrot is excellent)
Spinach, Kale, Broccoli and Broccoli sprouts
Gala apples
Basmati rice – all except from Pakistan. (I know rice is processed, but that's a whole discussion for itself)
Horseradish root, Garlic,
Whole Grains all kinds, Soy Beans.

cooking kills enzymes which are very important for the digestion and absorb 
therefore it is suggested to soak the beans over night or more in water
that will cut down the cooking time, or steam when possible.

when I say horseradish or garlic, dont take it literly,
use logic. one way to intake them is, to cut them in very small pieces and throw them in a good leafy salad.

when possible, buy organic to avoid pesticides, some foods are more important organic then others, for example: foods that peel you're ok buying conventional.
beets is hard to find organic but we all need to try our best. you don't have to be
a perfectionists  its going to be hard as it is anyway, so if something is easy to get and not expensive, get it organic. greens are important getting organic.

there is a whole bunch of more stuff to talk about such as what to do about breads
, fish, omega 3, teas,  foods you can eat and foods you shouldn't, many fruits although they are good we need to stay away for a very important reason, because of the high sugar element, also many vegetables going to be out of the list, not because they harm but for other reasons. water, exercise, bowl movement, stay tune.

processed foods are in vast variates, so we cant comment on each and every one of them. just as a reminder, absolutely no processed foods.  

Thursday, February 3, 2011

why dont I just post the diet ?

Been asked....

"why dont I just post the diet" ?

I have an overwhelming amount of info, and to post a book size post will bore everyone instantly.
also the info is not written yet its all in the head, so it has to be sorted somewhat and compact to be well absorbed, I am also new to writing and making posts.

said it before and will say it a hundred times more, there is no quick fix ! most ppl think ok, whats the diet?
and lets try!
anyone that wants to get healed needs to understand the state of mind.
it is like learning a new Lanquage, you cant do it in one day or week. its a process that you make small steps.

in our context, 
you need to learn what to eat. you need to question everything that goes into your mouth.

you need to make a great effort, because its about changing habits, and eating habits are extremely difficult to alter. is it possible? hell yes but you have to make that decision with discipline.

lesson for today: STOP EATING JUNK FOOD !
ironically most people wont understand what I really mean because sadly most people are not aware of what junk food is.

no offense to the big cooperation but when I say "junk food" I also mean "cereals"
very simple, cereals are have 0 benefit value, they are processed. the grain itself is good. but the procedure it goes threw, the extreme heat it gets, the additives they add for whatever reason such as shelf life or whatever who knows what they do.

I dont care what they print on the box or show on TV fact is, it is no good for anyone and even more, for someone that needs a constructive nutrition. (here again I can go into length explaining why cereal is no good, but remember many of you guys want just the quick list, so I'll stop here whining about cereals)

therefore, whenever you eat cereal consider it poison.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

knowing Nutrition

knowing what nutrition is, in the real truthful manner is the key.
our eating habits is devastating, its a miracle alone how we live, its a mistry how the body survies and functions
with all the junk we feed it. eating right will also surprisingly cure many other diseases.
take some of your precious time and gain some wisdom I will contribute in limited manner but you have to be part of the process, you have to be evolved, you have to understand and make it part of your'e self being.
the only way to intake the nutrion knowledge and use it to your own beniffet - if you make an effort too.

there is no quick fix, but there is hope !

Greens:  [organic]
an essential type of food is the green (bitter) leafs, they have large amounts of nutrition and benefits.
in particular at the top of the list are: Romaine Lettuce, Broccoli, Spinach & Kale. there are more but you can start with these and make them a regular part of your every day intake.

Organic is mandatory since none organic have pesticides and are very harmful to anyone, in particular to Psoriasis cases, we want to clear the body of toxins and not add to them.

where I live in New York the organic is the same price as the none organic so I assume it shouldn't be an issue in other places if someone is price sensitive.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Psosiasis Healer Mission Statement

Majority of authorities in the medical field from all spectrums claim that there is "no" cure to psoriasis,
on the same tone, they "know" the cause to this incurable disease "Psoriasis".....

On one hand they speak out with complete false confidence that there is no cure ! and on the other they make sure that their knowledge is always unquestionable and ultimate.

some of their weird causes, quote: "the skin growth and shedding happens much faster then usual" .
for the sake of an argument -that is not even a symptom ! it might look like it to an amateur.
my point is that there is way too much false information even from the most respectable medical institutions.

I will b"h share my experience that I had with psoriasis and how i cured it simply by changing my eating habits and giving my body the so much needed nutrition, once it had that healthy diet it was able to cleanse itself and the Psoriasis was gone !