Monday, January 31, 2011

Psosiasis Healer Mission Statement

Majority of authorities in the medical field from all spectrums claim that there is "no" cure to psoriasis,
on the same tone, they "know" the cause to this incurable disease "Psoriasis".....

On one hand they speak out with complete false confidence that there is no cure ! and on the other they make sure that their knowledge is always unquestionable and ultimate.

some of their weird causes, quote: "the skin growth and shedding happens much faster then usual" .
for the sake of an argument -that is not even a symptom ! it might look like it to an amateur.
my point is that there is way too much false information even from the most respectable medical institutions.

I will b"h share my experience that I had with psoriasis and how i cured it simply by changing my eating habits and giving my body the so much needed nutrition, once it had that healthy diet it was able to cleanse itself and the Psoriasis was gone !